Tuesday, February 28, 2006

mamas don't let your babies grow up to be eric bana, gay cowboys, or crazy racists

does it make me shallow if i found eric bana in form-fitting synthetic fabric and aviator glasses the most compelling thing in 'munich'?

i've become the kind of southern californian i never thought i'd become -- the kind that is afraid of rain. i had to drive out-of-town yesterday and was obsessed with getting caught behind the wheel of a car whilst raining. "ooh, these roads are going to become so slick and dangerous!!" was one thought that passed through my mind. also, "i hope i don't get caught in a rockslide or landslide on my way home" ... even though it was only cloudy at the time. is there a drug for this?

speaking of oscars, i've been reading on the internets that 'brokeback mountain' is likely being shut out of best picture as people are tired of 'the gay thing.' hmmmmm.

if 'crash' wins, i'm going to lose my mind. yes, racism is bad, but was there a single believable character in that entire movie? does anyone know anyone who is like any of those people? i'm sure i don't, but maybe that's because people who are actually like any of those characters are too busy blurting out a racist thought every 30 seconds to have an actual relationship with an actual person. which i am. i think. hmmmmm.


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