not-so-silent scream

someone around here has the 'throw-ups' and its not me. however, the sound of said affliction in a tiny house does not afford anyone much sleep, so i am cranky. and tired on top of being tired. however, i am not yet throwing up, though i suspect it should begin in the next 24 hours. watch this space for official Throw-Up '06 updates.
the weekend was fantastic with some fun friends from around the city coming by for a coupla drinks and a coupla tamales and a coupla pieces of free birthday cake courtesy of a confused waitress at the edendale grill bar, but what's a coupla pilfered pieces of cake between friends, right?
the weekend took a down turn upon the realization that prepping the kitchen/living room for demolition would basically require a full pack-up as if we were moving vs. a 'let's just shove everything over here.' i am now writing this post from my office where our makeshift kitchen now resides, on a towel-covered coffee table in the corner (microwave on the chest of drawers behind me, as is toaster and coffee maker). had planned to go to palm springs, but the throw-ups put a wrench in things, and now i am here as the contractors remove cabinets and coat closets and other heavy wood things from their locations of 59 years via crowbar. it's a lovely sound.
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