so, jackson was licking his butt for the last 48 hours not because he could, but because he was eaten up with fleas. never knew fleas would be such a big deal, but after about two hours of internet research, it looks like we're in for daily (!) vacuuming and all kinds of other pleasantries for up to two months if we really want to ensure they are gone. if we wanted to 'bomb' the place with insecticides, we could be done with this in a week, apparently, but there are enough other toxins flowing through these veins without getting all love canal up in heah. the worst part: having to put jackson three rooms away for the night because i couldn't sleep with his licking and scratching and otherwise going nuts -- the first time he's had to sleep alone since we've had him, poor guy. not to mention that he is now off at the vets being dipped in chemicals (i made the mistake of reading about how they do this and am still trying to get it out of my head). loretta, on the other hand, is getting a thorough bathing by me later as she is too allergic to get the chemical treatment. here's hoping that works.
turns out the most environmentally and pet-safe way of getting rid of fleas in your house is spreading salt all over the floors and letting it sit for several days before vacuuming it up. i did this, even though it is at odds with my superstition about spilling salt, knock on wood.
in other, more depressing, news, i watched 'the bridge' last night, the documentary about people who kill themselves by jumping off of the golden gate. it was extremely depressing, but worth seeing, if you can get comfortable with watching eight or nine people jump off of the bridge on camera.
in happier news: since i couldn't sleep, i decided to watch several episodes of 'this american life' on showtime on demand and was very pleasantly surprised. maybe 'the bridge' had my tear ducts primed, but i shed a few at least once during each of the three episodes i watched. i think i remember hearing that critical reaction to the show has been mixed, but i thought it was incredible. and i would be curious to see what my friend the ethicurean thinks/thought of their trip to a factory pig farm (which unsurprisingly results in the show's sound man becoming a vegetarian during the filming).
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