just flew back from vacation

...and boy are my wings tired!
not even 24 hours back on mainland soil and i am sitting a the palm springs airport, two hours delayed for a flight to sfo and now unable to make a meeting. oh well. the upside: only $50 to upgrade to first class, so guess who's having champagne at 30k feet? me, that's who!
will share some pics from the tropical idyll soon, but in the meantime -- if you have ever worked in an office, rush out and pick up "then we came to the end" by joshua ferris. i read it on vacation and was enthralled. what starts out as a breezy, age-of-quirk comic story about a chicago ad agency coming apart at the seams during the dot-com implosion turns by the end into a strangely affecting, thought-provoking piece of literature. fantastique!
feliz ano nuevo, blogfriends!
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