bring home the Sizzlean!

random thursday thoughts:
* i couldn't help but chuckle when i came across this headline
* i have vacationitis, and it feels so good. my liver is rested and ready.
* welcomed first overnight houseguest to the new pad, and fun was had by all, most espcially two very tired dawgs, one of which is passed out on the floor next to me right now
* it is april, which means the number of senile and/or drunk canadians misdialing my cell number (which is one digit off from the main number of an age 55+ country club) is about to drop off precipitously. to give you an idea of the frequency, 7 so far today. it goes up exponentially on the weekends, when they start calling security at all hours and booking brunch rezzies. my favorite is when they argue with me about whether they have the right number. also, that image you may have of all canadians being more benevolent and tasteful and less intrusive than us americans is not based in reality, as it turns out. they are just as mean and apparently love to drive fast in really big chevy tahoes, etc., just like they do here in the good ol' u s of a.
* after reading the umpteenth profile of the new r.e.m. 'comeback' record, i don't feel i even need to listen to it to have heard it. a case of too much PR, if you ask me.
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