in the words of stevie nicks: "i'm getting older, too"

last night we went to see 'prairie home companion.' and i really, really liked it. is it too soon to apply for an aarp card?
robert altman is absolutely my favorite director ('nashville' is absolutely my favorite movie), but the subject matter of 'phc' couldn't have been of less interest to me. i've never gotten the appeal of garrison keillor, but i do now, and i think it's because i'm getting old. to me, the whole movie was one long elegy for a specific kind of america that no longer exists and, though i don't really mourn the loss of the america of that film, i did find myself mourning the losses of so much, so quickly, that we're experiencing on so many levels these days (for example: summers you could actually live through, geneva conventions, personal freedoms, the ability to make phone calls without wondering who knows you've made them, etcetera, etcetera). anyhoo, it was one swell flick, though lindsay lohan - albeit talented - shouldn't be cast in any movie where she has to be believable as anything other than a coke-addled, anorexic party girl. her real-life persona eclipses any fictional character she tries to play.

we were planning to see 'who killed the electric car?,' but got the times mixed-up. we were treated to the preview, and just based on that, i was ready to burn shit down. any environmental cautionary tales get me freaked out -- in part because i believe so strongly that we're up shit creek, but also because i feel so guilty for having leased an SUV for two years. i think i actually broke into hives during 'an inconvenient truth.'
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