we sight celebrities so you don't have to!
the latest, seen at a tuesday night screening of 'another gay movie' (another post for another time, but avoid at all costs unless you have had a longstanding desire to see what richard "i-won-'survivor'-now-i'm-on-suicide-watch-in-prison" hatch's penis and scrotum look like):

no, not kayne, or 'kandy kayne' as i like to call flamey mcflamerton, but the other dizzy queen, robert best!
now, you may think to yourself, "i can't believe he was so lame as to post that guy--he's not a celebrity!" and i would say to you, if i could hear your thoughts aloud, "well, don't worry---i will have plenty of celebrity sightings to bring to you, and STAT!"
stay tuned!

no, not kayne, or 'kandy kayne' as i like to call flamey mcflamerton, but the other dizzy queen, robert best!
now, you may think to yourself, "i can't believe he was so lame as to post that guy--he's not a celebrity!" and i would say to you, if i could hear your thoughts aloud, "well, don't worry---i will have plenty of celebrity sightings to bring to you, and STAT!"
stay tuned!
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