karen hughes hissy fit

i can't think of a single person i like in the bush administration...well, except norman mineta, but he left earlier this month, so..yeah...no one.
the person i like the least is karen hughes. first, she is completely unqualified for her job as undersecretary of state. second, have you seen that hair? third, she is a nasty piece of work. if you don't believe me, hunt up the video of her being interviewed by soledad o'brien this morning on CNN's American Morning. from the get-go, she goes on the defensive (surprise! when the chips are down, these bush admin folks' strategy is to deny, deny, deny and use the word 'values' any chance they get).
the most suprising part was soledad o'brien's obvious and rising frustration with ms. hughes ineloquent stonewalling. the more i watch the news, the more i notice reporters and anchors seem to have reached a breaking point with bush's mouthpieces' inability to spout anything other than whatever craptastic fake ass bullshit they concoct down there in cheney's secret bunker every morning. you know it's getting bad when soledad o'brien -- who i've always kind of viewed as a meeker katie couric -- comes out swingin'. hats off, soledad!
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