
loyal (and early) readers may remember that i do love me some neko case, so imagine my glee when i obtained tix for the mister, phriedz and little ol' me to see her play live at pappy and harriet's, where i do believe i'll have my ashes scattered when its time for me to shuffle off this mortal coil.
now, imagine my pure hatred when shenobi-won-kenobi informed me that not only is she seeing neko case as well this weekend, but it will be at the hollywood bowl.....with willie nelson. and ryan adams. if i weren't a gentleman, i might have to call her a nasty name and curse her good fortune. and kick her dog, for good measure.
instead, i'll go the christian route and share my favorite ryan adams song with you, which i will not get to hear for myself, reverberating through the balmy canyon air in acoustic perfection from allegedly 'kick ass seats,' as unnamed and undeserving others will. seriously, i'm really happy for her. in fact, i could just shit.
so, now that i've swallowed all the bitter pills i can fit in my mouth, here 'tis:
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Magnolia Mountain
(confidential to ms. won-kenobi: loves ya like tom loves katie, except for real)
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