Wednesday, November 01, 2006

culinary adventures in the 90039

about eight years ago, i embarked upon a journey from which i've never turned back -- learning how to cook. and yes, i am still learning. i find it's very easy to fall back on the dishes that are easiest to prepare as well as those that meet with the most approval upon serving (providing me with previously hidden insight into my mother's rotation of the same four meals throughout my childhood).

however, i sometimes feel guilty for my laziness -- in all things, but especially in cooking. actually, learning to cook may be the only successful aspect of my neverending quest to become an adult, so i feel like i need to keep it up.

with that in mind, i rashly decided to make coq au vin last night. i remembered a lovely halloween dinner i attended years ago at which a delicious beef stew was served, and since it was a chilly all hallow's eve here in los angeles (with a creepy marine layer casting a mysterious glow over the lights of the canyon and especially over the large billboard for newcastle beer that can be glimpsed from my boudoir), i began the preparations (that is, two glasses of wine before picking up a single utensil).

to my surprise, as well as to the surprise of others who were consuming it, it turned out extremely well. it was, in fact, delicious. i'm going to take all the credit and give none to the le crueset dutch oven or largely organic and highly expensive ingredients.

anyhoo, if it's getting chilly in your neck o' the woods, and you're wanting to create a fall fantasia right there in your humble abode, let me suggest the coq au vin, or 'cock in wine' if the french is too hard to pronounce.


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