this post being written from outside the kingdom of god

so, you've probably heard about this ted haggard thing -- grand poobah of the evangelical christian movement who has been having gay sex with a gay hustler for three gay years (at least), yet who architected the evangelicals' campaign against gay marriage (not to mention that he also participated in regular conference calls with white house staffers on this issue).
so buried in's lead story re: haggard this morning was this sentence:
The Bible says homosexuality is a sin that “brings grave consequences in this life and excludes one from the Kingdom of God.”
now, i've actually read most of the bible, and i've definitely read everything that's in there pertaining to homosexuality, and that sentence is nowhere to be found. where it is found, though, is in materials from every right wing christian conservative wingnut organization out there. in fact, it appears to be their primary positioning statement on the issue of homosexuality.
so what the f**k is it doing in an msnbc story as a direct quote from the futhermuckin' bible??
some days i just want to throw in the proverbial towel and lose myself in a haze of cheeto dust like entertainer/christian britney spears.
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