sweet and fluffy

i love pop music. i love a lot of music, but i really love poppy, fluffy, airy, poofy music, as anyone who has shared a car ride with me for any amount of time would probably tell you (through gritted teeth).
that said, sometimes i really try to resist the pull o' the pop, if only to show that i can resist a marketing onslaught with the best of them. and i must admit i fail miserably when it comes to resisting the battering ram of the gwen stefani marketing machine. i think i like the idea of someone who is my age (36 in 10 days - er, i mean, 29!) still acting for all the world like she is 22.
and i also like the fact that she shows her age big time in her music. seriously, more than half of the songs on her new album, 'the sweet escape,' sound like they are coming from the soundesign car stereo ($39 at wal-mart in 1986 -- and sorry, that was the only place to buy a car stereo in south carolina in those days) in my powder blue '67 vw bug as i drive home from my afterschool job at revco drugstore.
she did vacate our eastside nabe for tonier environs in beverly hills (oy!), but i still heart her. if you don't believe me about the '80s vibe, check this one out:
wonderful life
oh, and expect a lawsuit from the cardigans -- she apes them to the point of identity theft on 'early winter'
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