we sight celebrities so you don't have to vol. 6

yep, hollywood's 'most liked' himself...looking surprisingly not weird. i just don't like him, or his looks, and don't ask me why. spotted at the arclight on the red carpet at the premiere of this movie i've never heard of, which he apparently produced. the picture above is from said evening.
we were there to see 'children of men.' despite wooden acting (and that's being kind) from the usually reliable julianne moore and a script (with something like nine credited writers involved) that seemed cobbled together over a long night of slurpees, twinkies and slim-jims, the movie really got under my skin. the action sequences were some of the most effective i've ever seen, and the sound design was incredible, literally shaking the seats in the theater in a few spots. also, its dystopian vision of the future (2027 in this case) was eerily believable. there is an absolutely amazing set piece involving one of the heads of british government (apparently the last government standing in the world at this point) who has taken over the Tate Modern as his home and has both the david and picasso's "guernica" in his dining room, with the pink floyd pig floating lifelessly outside the window:

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