working for the weekend

lordy. here it is monday morning and my dancing shoes is wore out, y'all.
as you know from the previous post, friday night was spent in beverly hills for a bday celebration at mr. chow and then the beverly hills hotel. luckily, saturday night was spent in more comfortable environs, like soul food restaurants and dive bars, as we belatedly celebrated the mister's bday.
contrary to popular belief, i'm scared of karaoke, but i love to go to it, so we finished off a lovely evening that began at the chalet in eagle rock, then proceeded to larkin's joint two blocks away (no liquor license, so be prepared) and ended up at the smog cutter, the crown jewel of virgil village (or so says the l.a. municipal neighborhood designation sign as you draw close to it). little did we know we had not one, not two, but three karoake stars in our midst: ginger, pablo & gina. spanning the likes of reo speedwagon, olivia newton-john and duran duran, our crowd brought the talent and the glamour to the evening.
after bed at 3:30 ayem (the latest i have been up in at least five years), we spent the day organizing the house yesterday and finished up with a performance of mary lynn rasjkub's (chloe on '24,' but better known to us from 'punchdrunk love') one-woman show, "the complications of purchasing a poodle pillow," which is running here in the nabe at the steve allen theater through august. it was easily one of the best things i've seen in years and, at only $25, it delivers major bang for your bucks. she was totally off-kilter and fantastic, though it was unnerving sitting very close to the stage in a not-nearly-packed theater and having to worry whether the attention would turn to you at any moment (as it did to the folks sitting just in front of us, repeatedly). though she singled me out eventually, it was in the last few minutes of the show and she didn't linger, so that was ok.
now it's back to ye olde grinde. thanks to everyone who helped make the weekend such a liver-enlarging success!
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