Monday, August 06, 2007

jane, stop this crazy thing

oy, george jetson here, trapped on the futuristic cartoon treadmill. this monday is definitely of the 24 hour variety. i won't stop feeling nauseous until it's passed.

a random monday list:

* 'diggers' starring mr. paul rudd and ms. lauren ambrose is ok (the latter bears a resemblance to a certain pal o' da robot that i'd never noticed before). it only lasts an hour and half but it will feel like longer, though not in a bad way.

* sometimes thrift doesn't pay, or 'why the f--k did i get rid of extended cable in palm springs.' no hbo and no 'minor accomplishments of jackie woodman' this week for me.

* i'm too tired after today to keep this list going, so see you when the blogspiration strikes again.


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