that's just something in my eye

they say bad news comes in threes, and i think they are right. it's been a tough week here at lyrical robot central and we've officially hit the fabled three instances of bad news and are hoping no more is lurking on the horizon. not being a particularly religious type, i'll ask for any proverbial non-specific good vibes you'd like to send out into the universe. can't hurt, right?
in other news, the new rilo kiley album is only just ok, though jenny lewis' voice seems to be getting even better. the songs are pretty blech, unfortch. also, the new pornographers new album is only just ok, as well, but their 'just ok' and everyone else's 'just ok' are worlds apart in my book. main complaint is my version of 'more cowbell': more neko!
also, 'superbad' is supergood, and i am giving you an ultimatum regarding the new bourne film: go see it! (ba dum dum)
finally, to lighten the mood a little bit right now, please enjoy a picture of the mister and mine's four-legged niece as a pup:

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