ol' time religion

lordy be. saw the new pornographers last night, for the third time, and i think i'm starting a religion based on their live shows -- maybe a deadhead type of thing but with less patchouli and more american apparel hoodies. i don't think there is a 'tighter' band on the planet live, and i dare you to go to their live show and not get chills at least once as you get the full-frontal sonic assault of a 'the bleeding heart show' or 'use it.' if you're interested in whether they are coming to your fair city, check here. it's $20 from which you will see major roi, to borrow a popular business acronym.
sometimes i must admit i experience a little cultural whiplash moving back and forth between my daytime life and my (sometime) nighttime life. for instance, yesterday was spent flying to san jose, driving to novato for lunch with a wealth management firm (potential client), and then flying back alongside all of the other khaki-clad california economy road warriors, only to throw the sportscoat down upon arrival at home and ducking out to a rock-n-roll show. not a unique to me situation, to be sure, but somehow the banality of my day yesterday seemed particularly high contrast to the out-and-out fabulousness of my evening (did i mention we stopped at in-n-out before the show? ohhhhhh yeahhhhhhh).
seacrest out!
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