bite-sized mind snacks

because i am so thoroughly scattered from work and also strangely hungover from consuming just a few glasses of wine over four hours and a honkin' bowl of linguini with clams last night, i only have it in me to give you a random list of bulleted thoughts, but you know you love it:
* am displaced from our los angeles home because of a tiny problem -- no exterior walls! so the mister has been having to sleep there with plywood temporary exterior walls in place. obviously, i would join him, but if i were there i would have to a) work all day there while the contractors carry on their male version of 'the view' without the sofas, cameras or soft lighting and b) keep the dogs shut up in my tiny office all day long, neither of which will work, so i am alone in the palm springs rental condo.
* all this time alone time on my hands has allowed me to a) start going back to the gym -- wish you could've seen the pandemonium and confusion i caused when i showed back up for the third time in the seven years i've had the membership -- and b) watched the first season of '30 rock' on dvd. run, don't walk, to get these for yourself. the show is brazilliant, though a random reference to 'a chrous line' led me to download that cast album and i've never felt gayer than when listening to it yesterday. damn you, '30 rock' -- i was seconds away from ex-gay status through intense prayer, and musical comedy re-gayed me! speaking of gay, i'm pretty sure i was in a children's theater production of 'peter pan' with the guy who plays kenneth the page (see pic above)
* over dinner at a friend's last night, heard a story from a guy about how he literally broke his peen (i'm trying to avoid using the actual word, 'cause the last thing i want is a bunch of superfreaks googling that term and ending up here). it may sound funny, but he almost died from it. blood-spurting male genitalia ain't no picnic, folks.
* have to go to san jose for the next two days, and leave it to to scare me to death. apparently the 5.6 earthquake they had last night likely put stress on the calaveras fault, which could trigger the cataclysmic big one that's been predicted for the region sometime in the next 25 years. i hope the fairmont hotel is on rollers, yo.
* thumbs up on 'the darjeeling limited.' trying to decide whether to see '30 days of night' this evening since it's halloween, but i think going to see a horror movie by myself would prove too creepy, even for me.
* the provolone and whole wheat cheese toast i made this morning seems to be helping my unexpected hangover. whee!
* approaching one month of not smoking and have not gone insane (yet).
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