
now, back to our regularly scheduled cotton candy coverage --
best star sighting ever last night! jack mcbrayer, who plays kenneth on '30 rock,' at the arclight. he was with scott speedman of 'felicity' and one of those myers brothers (not sure if the 'mad tv' one or 'saturday night live'). also spotted: seth green of 'robot chicken' and 'buffy the vampire slayer'(note to darliament: he was teeny!)
there was also a premiere there for a movie called 'the air i breathe,' starring (amongst a cast of thousands) sarah michelle gellar, but we couldn't be bothered with hanging around long enough to see who should walk down the red carpet (ok, we were hustled out of the way by a security guard, but still....)
the movie we went to see was 'the orphanage' and i thought it was capital-s spooky, one of the best horror movies i've seen in years -- very hitchcockian and also reminiscent of 'the haunting.' there are some way creepy images and lots of jump-out-of-your-seat moments. thumb up!
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