mann about town

the new aimee mann is out, and i haven't listened to it beyond the initial single, 'freeway,' which is yet another i'm-ambivalent-about-living-in-the-golden-state song.
as with all of her stuff, i expect to half-like it at first and then proceed to wear it out the rest of '08, but i'll keep you posted.
i would share 'freeway' with you, but it's come to my attention that since it was purchased on itunes, it's unsharable. my apologies, but it's only 99 cents at itunes, and why not spend those pennies on a nice single vs. some cheap plastic thingy from china that's caught your eye?
(in other news: we watched 'recount' on hbo on demand the other night, and laura dern is as good as people say as katherine harris)
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