
years ago, i remember scraping up all the sam phillips cds i could at amoeba records in berkeley (before the hollywood and haight stores were even there, so yeah -- i'm old), then i kinda lost interest. friends the nagwells raved about her last one, 'a boot and a shoe,' but still is didn't really get back on the sam phillips bandwagon.
so, i'm not sure what compelled me to buy her new album on itunes when i spied it in the new releases section (perusing the new releases section on tuesdays is becoming a bit of a habit, and a dangerous one at that), but i did, and i can't stop listening to it.
after i realized how much i liked it, i started digging around and finding out that the reviews are glorious and also that she recently divorced t-bone burnett, who produced all of her albums (except the ones that she did as a christian singer back in the early '80s; i know this because i lived in south carolina in the early '80s and you really couldn't avoid christian music). anyway, this album is supposedly the chronicle of that divorce.
here's a sample for your listening pleasure. i recommend it highly:
my career in chemistry
ps -- the photo has no relevance to this post; i just needed to share this photo of madonna and courtney love a collective 109 plastic surgeries ago.
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