Thursday, December 07, 2006

christmas update 2006

Dear Friends & Family,

As many of you know, 2006 started out with a bang literally! After three years in business my custom hair extension business that I ran out of the Tara replica playhouse we built in the backyard for Chastity and Charity when they were little girls...where'd you go, 1978??...went up in flames when my Newport accidentally caught one of the crates with my Auburn Avenger extensions on fire. YES, they are the same ones worn by Chastity in her court appearance and if you missed it I still have it on VHS and love to show it...she may have gone off to prison but she did not go down without a fight or without showing some of the spunk that made her Miss Chicken Wing 1989!

Irregardless it turned out better then we thought because the insurance money kicked in pretty good and Carl bought himself another bass boat. He is insisting on taking it out on Christmas Day with the grandkids but deer season will almost be over so he is really in a dilemma on what to do. We don't get to see Bo and Stonewall much because of the incident with the jumper cables so we like to make the time with them special. We have gotten them the cutest numchucks for Christmas!

My lady parts had been giving me trouble so I had them out in April. I have them in a jar on the windowsill in the kitchen in formaldehyde to remind me not to take anything for granted! I wish I'd kept my leg and could've put it in the curio cabinet with my Precious Moments figurines because that bottom shelf is real big. Charity says it is creepy but I say it is all a part of me and why should I get rid of anything the Lord saw fit to give me!

Carl Jr. did not win his lawsuit against Carl's Jr. and he is now living in Laughlin Nevada and he is getting his associates in Slot Management. We are so proud of him.

My bible study group took a trip to Branson, Missouri and I sure did enjoy seeing Eddie Rabbit! He is just as good looking as ever and our group got tickled when I got up and showed them the clogging routine I could still remember that I worked out to "I Love a Rainy Night" when I used to teach clogging on the back patio. It was great fun though turned tragic when Sheree caught her hair in the hotel hairdryer and suffered third degree burns on her scalp and one ear. Of course she is a hairdresser so she is looking right cute now that she's had a chance to grow it out and pull it over and around the burn area.

The black family across the street continues to give us trouble but it's Christmas so I'll leave that at that.

I don't know what the new year has in store for us but my Lord and Savior surely does. Right now I am hoping for a new Bible to replace the one that went in the fire even though we've got others around. I'd like to have one that is presentation grade that I can put up in the living room on the Bible stand I got for my birthday. It is pretty and has lights.

Well I guess that's it from our little corner of the world. May your days be merry and bright and may all your Christmases be white like the song goes!



Blogger Bonnie said...




Are you doing a one-woman show as this character? I think you should.

11:00 PM  

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