back in the saddle again

ok, so now i really am back in the blogger seat. let's see, where to begin. crazy flu, too much real estate and work, work, work have kept me from my favorite little cyber haunt.
where to begin? we went to new york and had a'd been 8 years since we'd last been there, and while it has changed quite a bit (best buy? home depot?), we had an amazing time and hung out with some friends from palm springs who live part-time in the city. it was krazayzay, flitting from yummy dinner to yummy dinner and yummy apartment to yummy apartment. sprinkled in there was a trip to 'spring awakening,' the broadway sensation of the season (we enjoyed it, but it does take a while to get used to the idea that you're not at a community theater production). we went to brooklyn for the first time, which i loved, and i can see why they equate williamsburg and silver lake. anyway, it was great, and being there with the knowledge that our house was sold (whew!) let us be particularly footloose and fancy free.
now we are in a neverending cycle of appointments and document signings and all kinds of yucky adult stuff, but the worst part is yet to come---packing. anyone in the general vicinity any time soon is more than welcome to come by and pick up a box and a beer. PLEASE!
please stay tuned for lots more of the vapid yet vaguely amusing posts you've perhaps come to expect from ye olde blogge. they are on their way to you, sealed with a kiss and smelling vaguely of sawdust, bubble wrap and cheetos.
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