mad libs

a list, cause it's all i can squeeze out at the moment:
* please accept my apologies if i have been out of touch with you and you are someone i should be in touch with. i promise to make everything right after april 6th, and before if humanly possible.
* the internet is great because it keeps your head from exploding. today, to give myself a much-needed break from teeth-grinding, i headed over to ifilm and downloaded one of my favorite video clips from the golden age of mtv, randy newman's 'i love l.a.' i couldn't believe how much of it i remembered like i'd watched yesterday. bonus: seeing a wonderful and close friend appear in it as a nurse (and a brunette).
* i'm dying to see that movie '300,' but i probably never will. kind of like when 'crank' came out. you connect the dots on how they're related in my mind.
* one of our major to-do's - finding a place to rent in palm springs while we continue the neverending search for a permanent place that meets our ever-changing criteria -- is finally marked off the list and it's modest, pet-friendly and totally rad (pics to follow).
* i read on today in advance of pulling week-old takeout lasagna from the fridge that four days is the max for safe consumption of refrigerated leftovers. consider yourself warned and me spared.
* the pic at the beginning of this post is a thank you in code to someone who is very publicity-shy and wouldn't let me thank them specifically in a public forum. you know who you are and you know your toes are pretty.
* lunches out with old friends on sunny days with blue skies are da bomb, yo.
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