the apple doesn't fall far from that gnarled ol' tree

it is going to be a complete pleasure to go to europe in a few weeks and pretend like i live in a different frigging country. my ire was first raised today when listening to the radio and hearing bush say that he is "more confident than ever" in gonzales after his testimony last week.
GOOD GOD! did he even HEAR this guy's testimony? have you ever heard anything so pathetically evasive and downright perjurous (is that a word?) in your entire life? and he is EVEN MORE CONFIDENT in him NOW?
unfortunately, the mister just IM'd this info over to me, which just sent me into orbit:
Asked if voters should be weary of Romney being a Mormon, the former president's wife, Barbara, said "not at all," noting there are "wild people" in many religions.
"I mean it was in 1897 that bigamy was outlawed in that church," she said. "You know we have a lot of Christian wild people too, and a lot of Jewish wild people and a lot of Muslim wild people. The Mormon religion takes care of it's own, they don't have people on welfare.
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