i work hard for the money

well, the potential client i blogged about (the one i was hoop-jumping for) finally signed, along with another one on the heels, and still yet another who seems to begetting ready to sign. that will be three new clients starting at once. i am beginning to feel like i'm living in a 'cathy' cartoon. it's good news, but i'm starting to get a wee bit nervous about pulling it all off. good thing i'm leaving the country for two weeks this saturday! i'm already dreading the plane ride back to my new, work-laden life. good thing i have xanax!
so, since i'm so busy, some random thoughts:
* saw '28 weeks later.' i'm getting too old for horror movies, even 'smart' ones like this. my teeth hurt after from grinding. also, the older i get, the more easily i fall for the'lull-you-into-fake-tranquility-only-to-have-a-zombie-jump-out-and-chomp-
on-someone's-head' trick.
* meeting with the dog trainer tonight who will be living at our house while we're out of town and putting our dogs through 'boot camp.' i already feel badly about leaving them, and then to know that they will be forcibly trained while we're gone is almost more guilt than i can bear. that said, visitors to our house will be happy not to have their knees molested upon entry.
that's it for now. too tired and anxiety-ridden over today's workload to blog much more, but i'll be back and better than ever once i've moved some of this off of my plate. one bright spot: new wilco album out today!
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