Tuesday, May 08, 2007

snow job

i'm sorry to go on a political rant once more, but this storycomes directly from the 'if i say it is so, then it will be so' book of white house stances (right alongside 'you done good, brownie' and 'i have more confidence now in gonzales than i did even before').

it's a fact: the iraq war has depleted the availability of national guard resources for any national-guarding that needs to happen. period. there are no gray areas here. it is a fact.

for the white house to assert that the governor of kansas is lying about the lack of national guard resources and that it is having an effect on how quickly that state can recover from this most recent (or any future) catastrophe is ridiculous. to further assert that this is all just an issue of her not following protocol is beyond absurd.

in earthquake-prone california, they long ago told us that we could expect to be without help in the event of a major earthquake for -- wait for it -- up to three weeks given the tapped resources of the national guard, the various governmental pocketbooks that have been drained by this unwinnable war, and the miserable track record this administration has when it comes to responding to domestic emergencies here in the homeland (katrina, anyone?).



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