little sparrow

ok, don't walk -- run! -- to see 'la vie en rose.' i hadn't read anything about it, but i do like edith piaf and the mister was amped to go because he'd heard several good things about it on drivetime npr. so, we went last night and actually had to wait in line to get in, which is highly unusual for our three-screen arthouse cinema in palm springs, and even more unusual given that it is 112 out here and the town is dead as a proverbial doornail.
anyway, we went and i think the performance by unknown-to-me french actress marion cotillard is easily one of the best film performances i've ever seen. lots have been made in reviews of the film's hackneyed narrative structure and it seems to have affected the overall critical reception, but it is one of the most engrossing movies i've seen in, well, ever.
in other desert news, we saw what may be our new dream house yesterday, and the mister was chased across a pool by a black widow the size of my eyeball.
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