sunday list

* 'knocked up' was great and suprisingly sweet (another surprise: having to wait in line at the ever-mediocre los feliz 3 theater -- an exercise in capitalism whereby one grand theater was randomly chopped up into three, creating viewing experiences that nearly always induce neck strain and headache due to the bizarre screen-to-eyeball relationship it created).
* on a related 'knocked up' note, i wish i'd gotten to be friends with katherine heigl when we smoked next to each other for five minutes at a stevie nicks concert, cause she is gonna be a big star, yo, and i would like some movie-star-friend-perks, like free spa days or some of lindsay lohan's coke (kidding!)
* 'waitress' was probably good, but after buying five reserved tickets to it at $14 a pop only to abandon it after the pre-movie drinking got a little to vigorous leaves me unable to say for sure
* trent reznor is very short in person. and gay looking (that's a compliment).
* it's hard to decide which is better: a two week trip to europe or spending five minutes petting your dogs
* today promises a grocery run so i can make baked ziti to commemorate the ending of 'the sopranos'. why does it always hurt so much when these hbo shows go off the air (not talking to you, 'carnivale'!)
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