clogging of a not-fun sort

The Worst Food in America
Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing
2,900 calories
182 g fat
240 g carbs
It's the caloric equivalent of eating 14 Krispy Kreme doughnuts, before your dinner arrives. Even if you split this "starter" with 3 friends, you'll have downed a meal's worth of calories.
ok, i admit it. the country's worst food is my favorite food.
though i haven't had one in over two years, i will -- in the immortal words of kimora lee simmons -- beat a bitch's ass if they get in the way of me and some aussie cheese fries.
luckily, my changed attitudes about eating have for the most part kept me away from chain restaurants and foods-of-the-goods like this particular starch-n-dairy-n-pork orgasm on a plate, but aussie cheese fries can be might persuasive when you're visiting family in the sticks and you pass a strip mall with an outback steakhouse giving you the 'come hither' look. next thing you know, that american made gas hog will pull in of its own volition and you're knee deep in glorious cheesy fatulosity! (true story)
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