ok, consider this me crying uncle. the hits keep on coming, and i don't mean of the mariah carey variety. i love you people, i really do, but i believe i have to go on a bit of a blog holiday over the next week while i look into electroshock or become a scientoligist or get a hot stone massage, at the very least. to every thing, there is a season, and it appears that this one is the spring of my discontent. (smell the melodrama!)
i leave you with a few quick thoughts:
* 'baby mama' was cute -- good for a big studio flick, but a big studio flick nevertheless. i was expecting some subversion. and steve martin SUCKED!
* 'hard candy' -- as rolling stone said, what other 50 year old do you know who can rock the album cover crotch shot like ciccone?
* 'rolling stone' -- there is an article in there by matt taibbi (late of the bill maher show) about going undercover at a christian retreat that is, shall we say, interesting.
* cleveland -- no matter how unglamourous its reputation may be, i always have a good time.
* 'forgetting sarah marshall' -- surprisingly good, so give it a chance if someone's told you it sucked. the puppet show is worth the $10 alone.
i promise to send you guys a postcard from whichever asylum agrees to admit me. kisses and misses!