as i let slip in yesterday's post, i'm a-waiting on some big news on the work front and it is killing me. the waiting is, indeed, the hardest part, mr. petty, and might i say that you are the best looking man in rock-and-roll while i'm at it?
with the chaos of late, it has been a rare thing that either myself or the mister have found ourselves in a kitchen doing anything other than opening a box or can or bag. tonight, however, all of that will change as i attempt to make 'tuna with peppers' from my third favorite cookbook of all time,
'the big book of casseroles.' i've made many dishes from this bible of 'serious comfort food,' as the subtitle says, and they are always a hit.
tonight, however, is a bit of an experiment as i don't love tuna, but it's bearable to me, and i'm trying to get more fish in my diet. in fact, i pretty much hate fish, but i am frog-marching my palate forward in the pursuit of healthy eating and more adventurous culinary avenues. my palate is going to be quite surprised when it finds itself in europe next month, sampling all kinds of woodland creatures stewed in their own organs, but perhaps not as suprised as when it was exposed to raw octopus tentacles in hawaii last year.
anyhoo, i have pretty much distracted myself with blogging for as long as is prudent given that i could be distracting myself with work whilst i await le big news, though i will fire off a few of my favorite things of late:
* amy winehouse, 'back to black' - i so don't try to go there with the hype machine, but this lady is worth it. the big single, 'rehab,' is probably the least of the songs on the album, and that's saying something.
* making fun of '300' - boy, did that movie suck eggs. the visuals were great, but i can't remember the last time i had to stifle laughs so frequently in a movie. that said, it has lead to a bit of a fun parlor game, where we like to speak to each other as the spartans of the movie, in very self-important, loud, angry and declarative sentences, such as "i now clean this toilet -- not for myself -- but for SPARTA!"